Sunday, February 15, 2009


Judging from the montage of photos above, one would think that BHO loves babies. Before you continue down that path and draw any conclusions, you might want to first give pause. One key thing to keep in mind is that all nine of those babies have one thing in common. They all have already been born. While he may have the appearance of loving the born babies, BHO’s track record concerning the civil rights and protection of unborn babies is another thing altogether.

In August of 2008, he responded this way to a question from Rick Warren concerning the issue of when a baby gets human rights: “Well, uh, you know. I think whether you’re looking at life from a theological perspective or, uh, a scientific perspective, uh, answering that question with specificity is, is, is, uh, above my pay grade.” That answer sure had a lot of stammering and stuttering from a guy who is lauded to be so articulate by his followers. BHO was a US Senator at the time he made that statement. The annual salary of a US Senator these days is $169,300. So, based on his answer, am I to assume that the average Theologian and Scientist makes more money than BHO did as a US Senator?

If you look at BHO’s track record as a politician, you will see that he has already made the decsion about the human rights of the unborn. The National Right to Life News reported in the January 2009 publication that:
“During his years in the Illinois state Senate, (1994-2004), Obama was a leader in opposing pro-life legislation, including bills to ban partial-birth abortions and the protect infants who are born alive during abortions. During his four years in the U. S. Senate (2005-08), he always voted against the pro-life side, and he cosponsored the so-called “Freedom of Choice Act” (FOCA), a proposed federal law that would invalidate virtually all limits on abortion.”

On January 23, 2009, BHO signed an Executive Order that will channel millions of taxpayer dollars towards organizations that promote abortion as a means of population-control in third-worl contries. This EO overturns a policy known as the “Mexico City Policy” which stipulates that any overseas population assistance funds coming from the US shall not go to those organizations that perform or promote abortions.

I realize that when any politician runs for most any kind of public office, holding babies for a photo op. is part of territory. However, don’t you think it is just a bit ironic, if not even down right hypocritical for Pro-Abortion politicians to use babies for photo ops? If the mothers of those nine babies in the above pictures chose to hire a hit man and have those babies stuffed out at their local abortion mills when they were all still at the pre-born stage of their development, that would have been nine less babies BHO could have gravy-trained for his photo ops.

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